21st Amendment Distillery
Veteran Wall of Honor

Lewis A. Mann
Veteran Nickname If Any: Bud
Veteran DOB: 06/07/1925
Hometown: Boston, MA
Branch of Service: Marines
Veteran Job / MOS in the Military: Staff Sergeant
List of Veteran Combat Theatre(s) if any?: WWII, Korean War, Asiatic Pacific Campaign
Veteran Medals: Meritorious Service Medal
Veteran after Service Employment / Job: Customer Service at Boston Gas Co.
Veteran Hobbies: Golf, Working on Cars
Veteran Favorite Food or Cocktail: Plain Donuts
Pets & Names if Any: Had a dog named Zambri
List a Fun Fact About Your Veteran: Lewis “Lew” spent several of his retirement years working at Dodgertown in Vero Beach. he loved driving the players to and from the airport and feeling like part of the team.