21st Amendment Distillery
Veteran Wall of Honor

John E. Collins
Veteran Nickname If Any: Jack
Veteran DOB: 08/5/1918
Hometown: Swampscott, MA
Branch of Service: U.S. Army / 127th Infantry of the 32nd Division
Veteran Job / MOS in the Military: Infantry
List of Veteran Combat Theatre(s) if any?: New Guinea and Papuan
Veteran Medals: Two Battle Stars for Service in New Guinea and Papuan and a Presidential Citation for Meritorious Service
Veteran after Service Employment / Job: Boston & Maine Railroad / Auditor of Disbursements
Veteran Hobbies: Gardening
Veteran Favorite Food or Cocktail: Meat & Potatoes / Carling Black Label Beer
Pets & Names if Any: Dog “Sarge”
List a Fun Fact About Your Veteran: Loved riding his Moped around town in his retirement years. Spent most of Christmas night in 1942 in a hand grenade duel with Japanese soldiers in nearby foxholes.