21st Amendment Distillery

Veteran Wall of Honor

James A. Thompson, Jr.

Veteran Nickname if Any: Jim
DOB: 03/03/1932
Hometown: Vero Beach, FL
Branch of Service: US Army

Veteran Job / MOS in the Military: Colonel. Commander of the 3220th US Army Garrison

Veteran Combat Theatres: 

Veteran Medals: Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Legion of Merit Medal, Legion of Merit Medal
Veteran after Service Employment / Job: James worked as a Owner, Buckingham-Wheeler Agency, Vero Beach, FL
Veteran Hobbies: High School and College Sports Officiating for football, baseball, basketball and volleyball
Favorite Food or Cocktail: Pizza and Peanut Butter

Pets & Names if Any: 

List a Fun Fact About Your Veteran: He had 65 years perfect attendance at Rotary. Additionally, one year when the major league baseball umpires were on strike, he umpired behind the plate for a nationally televised spring training game between the Dodgers and Yankees played in Vero Beach at Holman Stadium.

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