21st Amendment Distillery
Veteran Wall of Honor

Cade D. Pendergraft
Veteran Nickname If Any: Cado
Veteran DOB: 11/10/1994
Hometown: Fontana, CA
Branch of Service: U.S. Army
Veteran Job / MOS in the Military: 11B Airborne Infantry – 173rd Airborne Brigade
Veteran Medals: Army achievement, Good conduct, National defense, Global War on Terrorism.
Veteran Hobbies: World Travel, Weight Lifting
Veteran Favorite Food or Cocktail: Beer, Steak
List a Fun Fact About Your Veteran: Cade was known by his friends, superiors and fellow paratroopers as someone who took advantage of the opportunities afforded by being stationed in Italy. He traveled to the far reaches of Europe with every free moment. He lived life to the fullest.