21st Amendment Distillery
Veteran Wall of Honor
Benjamin Jerome Arnell
Veteran Nickname if Any: Jerome
DOB: April 26. 1953
Hometown: Pulaski
Branch of Service: Army
Veteran Job / MOS in the Military: Food Service
Veteran Combat Theatres: Desert Storm/SWA – 7 DEC 1990 to 26 APR 1991
Veteran Medals: Army Service Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, Professional Development Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal (X2), Army Achievement Medal, Marksman Marksmanship Badge Rigel, M-16
Veteran after Service Employment / Job: Probation Officer and Magistrate: Giles County
Veteran Hobbies: Listening to music, watching Western movies, spending time with family, serving God and serving in the Honor Guard
Favorite Food or Cocktail: Fried Chicken and Scotch
Pets & Names if Any: Shadow and Remington – 2 German Shepherds
List a Fun Fact About Your Veteran: Jerome loved spending time with family, he would spend a lot of time with the grandchildren, who he adored. Jerome loved to cook and bake. He also loved to travel with his wife, Pam.